Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wag's party

Here are some of my friends and
their dogs. The dogs names from left
to right are Wags(our dog), Jewels,
Gracie, and Skipper. The people from
left to right are Me(Jennifer), Robin,
Erika, Julia, Megan, and Katie. We had
Them all over for our dog, Wag's 1st(7th
in dog years) birthday. I think all of the
dogs and people had fun.


Erika said...

Leopards are not my favorite animal but you did not have my favorite animal on there.

Erika said...

Never mind I think I like zebra better oh well lol I also do like monkeys

Jennifer ;) said...

sorry I tried to put other, but it wouldn't let me.

MB said...

What a fun idea to have a dog party! Waggs is so cute!